Exploring: How To Find Your Next Adventure — A Momma Abroad

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A Momma Abroad is where I share my perspective of life abroad and my love for the Philippines, there is so much to love!


Exploring: How To Find Your Next Adventure

Exploring: How To Find Your Next Adventure

The most frequent question I get is, "Amber, how do you even find these places?" My not so secret secret: Instagram. It is no secret that I love Instagram. I don't care who knows it, I love it. I like the connection, I like the creative outlet and I like researching on it. I like finding places to go and things to do on Instagram. Manila is the social media capital of the world and I am reaping the benefits and I wanna help you reap some benefits too.

Here are four easy steps I take for finding adventures via Instagram. 

  • Follow people with common interests. Chances are you will surround yourself with people you like in real life and on social media. I try and follow people who have similar lifestyles, i.e. kids and will go to cool family places. I of course follow those who eat at great restaurants and climb cool mountains. (Pssst If you feel 'too old' its ok! Even if you don't want to be active or engage on IG you can still have an account just to search for adventures.)


  1. Hashtags and geo locations are your friends! Hashtags are essentially online file folders. You click on a hashtag and all the media filed under that tag will come up.

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There have been times when I am browsing and see a photo that moves me and immediately know I want to go to this place. I then click on the geo tag and see how far away this dream is and if I can make it a reality. I always take a screen shot of these images and places. *The blue arrow indicates the geo tag. Click on this location in Instagram to see more photos from this place. 

  1. Photo Albums On Your Mobile Device. I like being organized and the same goes for my photos. When I screen shot a photo I add it to an album on my phone titled, "Places To Visit." Lucky for us, the iPhone already has an album titled, "Screen Shots" so you can just grab it from there. The Philippines has SO much to offer I gotta keep all my bucket list items under wraps.

Trip Planning.

 Eventually all the wanderlust adds up, hopefully the pesos do too, and it is time to plan that trip! I try and group similarly geographic locations according to where we are going. I don't want to miss anything! I also like to see if my favorite restaurants are near by and check my list on the

Booky app




Those are my four easy tips and I hope they are helpful. I do read some blogs here and there. Most of the blogs I read are the same people I follow on Instagram and IG is less time consuming for me. My main motivation is to help others find happiness living here. I hope this helps, I know it helped me. A whole new world unlocked and clicked at the same time when I was able to find places with ease. I could see others photos from the geo tag and see if it was just one really nice photo or if the place was really that great. From there we started taking day trips and now it has lead to many adventures. May you seek and may you find them.


The IG accounts listed in this post are as follows:

Tayo Na Sa Anptipolo

Tayo Na Sa Anptipolo

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