A Momma Abroad

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Radio Guest On The Mother Show Ph

Whaaat? I was on the radio. My voice on the radio? Sure, why not? Two weeks ago I had the surreal opportunity of joining three awesome Boss Mom’s as a radio guest on Magic 89.9’s new hit, The Mother Show. The Mother Show features three beloved radio dj’s Riki Flores Reyes, Delamar Arias and Andi Manzano. Why is this show such a hit favorite? All three mothers were radio dj’s before kids and their listeners have transitioned with through the stages of life with them. While I don’t often write about parenting advice I do love showing how I mother in Manila. Being a mom in a country different than mine, and in a city like Manila, is something gives me purpose. It was SO MUCH FUN to be a radio guest and experience this for the first time.


I have been on a tv studio set twice this year so I expected something similar to those experiences. Being a radio guest was very different. The overall experience is much more relaxed except for the fact that you are live. Ha! No swear words or saying vagina on air. The location was on the 10th floor of a building in Mandaluyong with other business right next to it on the same floor. You don’t need to worry about wardrobe, make up or hair, which was so nice. I always feel a bit weird with heaps of make up on.

from the outside of the sound proof room

When I arrived the show had already started and Del, Andi and Riki were already chatting away. By the way, have I mentioned that this is the coolest job EVER! I missed my calling in life - is it too late? All three make it look effortless but I imagine that is because they are well trained and have years of experience which has made them so successful. They didn’t get to where they are today with out an insane amount of hard work and valuable skills. They are naturals and I reveled in every second of our hour long conversation. Truly, we were able to have a discussion about the easy stuff but also get into a bit more personal and difficult topics. Fun fact: the guest calls were both from men. It was AWESOME!

riki at center command. i bet she’s an amazing mom because she can multi-task like a mother (pun intended)

del can lead and carry a conversation like a professional, ha yup that makes sense! she’s quite possibly the easiest person to talk to. she’s a fabulous listener and ask through provoking questions.

guys, it’s true, andi manzano really is the most likable human being on the planet. like you want her to be your bff. i’m not kidding. and olivia (my first baby i ever followed on IG!) really is such a good little human. she sat and played and built lego the whole morning. remarkable!

My morning on The Mother Show wasn’t just incredible because it was a new fascinating experience but I was extremely uplifted by these women. To be in a room and watch the way they work together was unreal. I have mad respect and love for all three of them. Often, we put celebrities on pedestals but to meet them as individuals is really a humanizing experience, for the better.

TUNE IN. LISTEN UP. You’ll fall in love.

You can find my episode right here.

It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to be on the Mother Show and I will forever be grateful for Manila for this incredible life experiences. I’ve learned that if you put yourself out there, Manila will love you right back ten fold!

Kita Kita Titas,


Tune into the Mother Show every Friday on Magic 89.9 from 9-12 pm.