A Momma Abroad is where I share my perspective of life abroad and my love for the Philippines, there is so much to love!
I am Amber.
I am a lover of places, laughing is my favorite past-time, and I am an excellent explorer.
I moved to Manila with my husband almost 10 years ago. I was an accompanying partner who ditched a brief teaching career for a taste of the global expat life. The adventures of international living, growing a family, and transitioning from being a teacher to a stay-at-home mom actually launched me into my work today. I was seeking individual fulfillment to supplement my enjoyment of motherhood and created a social media platform, amommabroad.com, which has grown into a support resource for a cross-culture community. I focus on finding positivity no matter where one lives and teaching ways to create place attachment.
When you love where you live, you feel connected to your place. That feeling of connection, or place attachment, allows you to lean into life. Identifying personal values allows you to make choices from a place of empowerment. This increases your place attachment, connection, and feeling of ‘self’. When we are our best selves, we make the world around us a better place.
I want you to love where you live! It’s that simple.