The State of My Blog
The blogosphere is a new world for me. What's great about this community is meeting really great bloggers, who are also real people, in person! Martine of Make It Blissful, shared about the power of bloggers gathering. I was able to be a part of that gathering and I agree, it is really inspiring and important to gather.
Attending workshops is something I really enjoy. I like learning. I am in the 'Mom Zone' so much of the day, it is refreshing to be around adults and learning. The State of The Blog Workshop was really beneficial for me in that we worked on the aesthetics of my blog but also the driving force and content of it.
I have come a very long way since my first post on here. My reasons for blogging have changed, as well as my content. Some changes were intentional but other changes just naturally flowed. I first started Instagraming under amommabroad in February of 2015 to show our life here in Manila. I thought my target demographic would be friends and family in America. Then I thought I found a niche in the expat IG world. That wasn't really for me. Now, I pretty much share my love of being a mom in Manila and all it has to offer. This gives me a diverse set of platforms from which I can write.
I started blogging in July to share more details about our life and activities in Metro Manila. I will be honest, some of my motivations were a bit greedy. In reading blogs I kept seeing how much swag the authors got, both back home in The U.S. and also right here in Manila. Funny enough, my kick on the KonMari method helped me see that getting swag bags wasn't my end game. I do love, however, the stories behind the products. I am not against swag bags. I have found delightful products in them, however, they are no longer the carrot I am reaching for. Sure, I would love the opportunity to have brands or establishments say, "Hey Amber, we really like what you're doing. Come enjoy this with your kids and then tell your community about it so they can enjoy too." Sign. Me. Up.
So why am I here? Why am I doing this? Someone asked me recently what my end game was. Another friend asked a friend of mine, "So, whats like, her whole thing about? What is the point of it?" Blogging and Instagramming make me happy, but also, they make other people happy. My intention is not to sound boastful. It fuels my fire when Filipinos thank me for loving their country. It sustains me when a mother has a memorable experience with her kids because of my content. I have been able to focus and share the positivity that is around me. In this big polluted city I have found adventure, friendship and pure joy. Yes, eventually we will move away. No end date on our contract but eventually that day will come. I'm not going to let that stop me. If anything, it motivates me to get out more often and keep exploring. There is goodness here. I want to find it and share it.
My gratitude for this community runs deep. Filipinos have embraced me wholly. I am better because of it. I am grateful for friends who see more in me than I even see in myself. It is one of the most beautiful human experiences I have had. I recently read these wise words from Mark Twain, "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." I am so blessed to have a few of these close to me. I am better because of them.
So, I am going to take myself more seriously. I am going to take blogging and writing more seriously. I deserve it and so do my readers. And that my friends, is The State of My Blog.