No Self Improvement Books, Workshops Please
Guy, It’s been an exciting few months and I’d love to share a bit with you. I religiously write in my Sunday Night Journal as it clears my mind, keeps me accountable and has a creative way of reflecting. Aurora M. Suarez recently had an online course titled, Craft A Life Vision, that I completed with extreme joy. It left me fulfilled and with a plan to pursue and create future opportunities that will hopefully turn into a career. One of those first steps was starting a workshop, hello Perks Of Pinas workshop. I’ll keep you updated as the plan comes to fruition.
I have my weekly check-in, I have my life vision, what next? I am not one who enjoys self help books but would much rather have a practical face to face interaction so workshops really are my jam. Hello extrovert, give me all the group conversation. The last few months I have attended a handful of different workshops that have helped me develop as an individual. If you’re like me and skip the self help books but still enjoy developing as an individual, there might be something here for you.
Get Blisstified|
Do you work best with a cooperative of women? Get Blisstified girls might be the network for you. Mega minds Kimi Lu and Martin De Luna have created a brand of classes targeted towards women who are goal oriented and constantly seeking on adding positivity to their lives and work. It’s practical because it’s real time, one of my favorite aspects. They have a master class starting at the end of September if you’re searching for regular accountability and encouragement. Check it out here.
My intuitive vision board
‘make mistakes’
‘is this the season?’
‘A Small amount of effort every week’
main blog photo and portrait care of Sparks Studio Ph
People Acuity Philippines|
‘Coaching’, ‘mentor, ‘specialist’, ‘contractor’ all seem to be buzz words I have been hearing a lot lately. I’m very intrigued with this practice so I attended the Strengths Strategies for Optimal Performance. Yes, those words are large and very corporate, laugh out loud because I have zero business background what so ever. However, after attending the day long Shift Up workshop it open my mind the possibilities in helping others identify their strengths and capitalizing them. Interesting stuff, especially since I’d love to help families in global transition and this could be monumental in the support.
Shift up
the irony is not lost on, i didn’t read this book (yet) but attended the workshop with author deanna murphy
I happened to run into Deanna Murphy during a radio segment with the Mother Show Ph, I am explaining how practices I learned at her workshop were helping with my family
Burrow Cafe Workshop Wednesday|
I’ve learned that WHEN I creatE OR thinking creatively AND COLORFULLY IT opens my mind and increases my focus. i decided to throw together an easy craft time once a month at burrow cafe to give myself and others time to create. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR MORE DATES EACH MONTH.
Philippine School Of Interior Design|
I have officially enrolled at PSID. When I began Aurora’s Craft A Life Vision course, education and home interiors kept resurfacing. I took the nudge and enrolled at PSID and start school next week. This isn’t necessarily a workshop but it is something that I allows me to continue developing my skills and knowledge. If you are looking for less of a commitment SoFA Design Institute has ‘short courses’ I had considered.
Manila, really does have it. I hope you can look around and find something that fuels you however you need to feel fulfilled.