Starfish Island, Calatagan Batangas — A Momma Abroad

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A Momma Abroad is where I share my perspective of life abroad and my love for the Philippines, there is so much to love!


Starfish Island, Calatagan Batangas

Starfish Island, Calatagan Batangas

Freaking Philippines I love you. Guys, if you aren’t loving Manila get your pwet in a car and head three hours south to a sand bar in Calatgan Batangas, also know as Starfish Island. Here’s the thing, I get the traffic, I get the pollution BUT (yes, that’s a big BUT) we have the world just a short drive away. Don’t let your mind get trapped that you have to travel far to find the incredible, you don’t. That is it the beauty of the Philippines.


Calatagan Batangas Sandbar

Just Keep Swimming|

During our dreamy visit to Ybonita Farm and Villas we took the kids on a short boat ride to a sand bar. I wasn’t super impressed with the surroundings to begin with because the water didn’t look super clear and there was a number of vessels and cargo boats to one side of the bay. However, as time went on the experience got better and better.


Starfish Island|

The weather wasn’t too warm, just right for our special visit. The sand was soft and clean and the water was surprisingly clear. A few minutes into our visit our boat guide surprised us with starfish. It was crazy. Bam! All the sudden we had these incredible creatures right there in front of us to explore respectfully in their habitat.

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Kain Na Tayo|

After a few hours of play our picnic for the boat arrived and we got to each lunch on a sand bar in the ocean. Man, Philippines, I love you. 


Poop Happens|

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I don’t think my kids have any idea how magical their childhood is and I am so grateful for the motherhood I get to have with them. Pilipinas, you are amazing.

Kita Kits,


We paid extra for the boat and tour through our airbnb Ybonita Farm and Villas. I am unsure if you went on our own to Calatagan Sandbar how to make arrangements but I am sure it can be done.

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You’ll Always Find What You’re Looking For: Playworks Early Childhood Centers

Batanes In Batangas: Ybonita Farm and Villas

Batanes In Batangas: Ybonita Farm and Villas