Hot Mess Mom Travel Tips
During our trip to the United States in July I had HEAPS of questions about how I travel with 3 boys, often alone. Many have asked what my tips are for traveling with my #3PinoyBoys on long haul flights (this trip was 24 hours in transit) and I don’t have much to offer to all the online guides you can find to your hearts content on Pinterest or my previous traveling with kid posts here (from 3 years ago!) and here. I have learned to progressively pack less and stress less. The truth is though, if you are on a plane with your kids you can’t really do anything except succeed. It’s not like you’re going to spontaneous combust into thin air, even if you may feel like it, or even hope for it, it ain’t gonna happen.
here are my Hot Mess Mom Travel Tips for any parents out there who are seeking more practical and fuss free wisdom.
1. Clothing
My kids always wear matching pajamas and I bring a second pair of matching pajamas for them and a pair for me incase some poop/vomit/snot ends up as #MomFilth (the residue left over from sweet little children) on me.
thank you divisoria for matching pj's
pj's + back packs + helping mom carry the stroller
2. Stuff
I pack a backpack for each kid (@qrosephils) with a headset (@miniso_ph), sweater, YumBox with a packed lunch (, MiFold pocket size car seats and old iPhones we’ve had since 2010. Each phone has a few games and tv episodes on them. If you can afford a travel stroller I suggest investing in Looping Squizz, it is the best travel stroller I have used.
waiting game
matching pj's + backpacks
YumBox in the stroller
All squeezed into one row and good to go! I find the head sets for children are better than using ones supplied by the airline.
I also give my boys their own packs of gum. They practice unwrapping and put their garbage in the pouch in front.
The MiFold is a booster car seat that is so compact it can fit in your back pocket. I am not kidding.
3. Behavior
Expect tantrums (from yourself and others.)
because why wouldn't they wrestle in line at the airport?
4. Seatmates
Try and sit by Filipinos or at least befriend them because they’re kind and helpful.
5. All Dignity Left Behind
Leave your dignity at the door. No sense in bringing that along when you're traveling with three little ones. Let it fly, you'll get it back as soon as you get over jet lag. :)
My momiform plus my inflight baggage.
And that concludes the Hot Mess Mom Tips, hope you enjoyed our traveling circus.
Kita kits,